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November 2012

Multi treading in Excalibur

So what was done, the old event loop looked like this, the problem whit this code was that, the program did not wait for signals, it was busy looping due the clock that needed to be redrawn every 1secund, but I was not able to slow it down because that, will cause the events to be not read at correct time, there was a small delay of 0.1 sec in the loop.

Mini-Game Review - GEMZ on X1000

Today I am looking at a new game called GEMZ for the X1000 under AmigaOS4. The game is written by Fabio Falcucci and Pascal Papara. It is also available on other platforms like AROS, MorphOS, Windows and Mac. It was written using the Hollywood development package.

Dividing the code.

As it is written in the readme Excalibur was a a BlitzBasic program, typically for basic programs is that every thing is written in as one large source file, (not true for all modern basic programs).
One thing I have done for every version of Excalibur is to split the code up, I will explain it.

Ancient Browser Experience

While trying to match 68k bsdsocket calls to x86 bsdsocket calls, I realized, how "old" our bsdsocket.library seems to be. Nearly every bsdsocket.library function is marked with texts like "THIS IS A DEPRECATED METHOD OF GETTING HOST NAMES" in modern man pages..
Nevertheless, there is progress :).

Milestone 1 possible applications

  • By: JAmiga
  • Posted on: 10 November 2012

I thought I'd collect a small collection of tools that will run on Jamiga2 when milestone 1 is done (more info on what milestone 1 is will follow). These will consist of either currently available console applications, or existing Java open-source frameworks packaged by me (or someone else) using minimal coding.

Statement on lack of site updates

I just wanted to acknowledge to everyone that I know there has been a lack of updates since May of this year.   Unfortunately “life” has gotten in the way, both personally and professionally, so I no longer have the time to make frequent updates.

Hopefully that will change in the future! In the meantime this site will be kept online as a resource for Amiga users.  I will try to fix the links to the broken pages soon.

Thanks for your understanding! :)
