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September 2015

The loss of my friend Mark

Last night (September 29) a close friend of mine, Mark Thompson passed away. He is known in the Amiga scene by his demo scene handle Axon of The Experience, a Classic Amiga demo group I formed in the late 1990's in Adelaide during our university days. We wrote 2 AGA demos and Mark wrote another separate intro in Assembler for Amiga 1200/030 systems.

The most advanced (currently) web browser on any Amiga system

So, it appears that AROS has taken the lead when it come to web browser technologies. A developer named deadwood announced at the beginning of September 2015 that he’d completed over a year’s worth of work to get the Origyn web browser updated with a very new version of webkit (from May 2015). This currently puts it at over a year ahead of MorphOS and AmigaOS4.1.

CONCEPTS of the Past

CONCEPTS for different games that never quite made it past the Harddrive.

This post shows some concepts for games for different platforms, that never made it past concept stage (some for good reason). 

CONCEPTS of the Past - Fruity Caves

For a long time I have always enjoyed playing Boulderdash / Clone games and in particular Emerald Mines on the Amiga.

The screenshots vary from the initial Amiga design (16/32/256 colours) to a future Amiga/PC version.