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April 2018

MorphOS 3.10 on Powerbook G4 Part 1

With the recent release of MorphOS 3.10 last month, I decided to give it a go on my Apple Powerbook G4 17" laptop.

This time I decided to build my MorphOS system from scratch with a new install, and get to know MorphOS a bit better by building it up myself with what I actually want, rather than installing the separate Chrysalis Pack ISO that makes lots of changes to MorphOS and installs a lot of software I never use, without me understanding anything much about it.


Today I am going to look at an emulator called OSMoSe which emulates the Sega 8-bit family of machines on our AmigaOS 4 machines.. The most well-known of the range, […]

Amiga quiz on

Popular german IT news site Heise has created an Amiga quiz for everyone to test his/her knowledge about our platform.

If you've spent some time with your Amiga, the questions should be pretty easy to answer correctly, probably even if you don't speak german.

But it's a good opportunity to refresh your memory - and to show the world we're still here!

I just scored 290 points - can you beat my result? :-)

Brilliance 3

Brilliance 3.  Remember all those great art programs on the Amiga. Besides Dpaint, Brilliance is still an amazing program.  

These days it would be nice to see such software modernised.

Amiga 4000 mainboard goes opensource!

Amiga 4000 mainboards are becoming rare these days, and are difficult to repair. But there's hope in sight. A lot of hope. In fact so much hope that you can almost grab a new one! Yes, we can make this happen!

Paul Rezendes from California, USA, has started a funding campaign to have PCB data files professionally recreated from an Amiga 4000 mainboard, and publish these under open-source license.

(This does not include any boards actually being produced - it's only about the data files required to do so.)

Road Avenger, Out Now On Amiga CD32

Pixelglass Games returns with another LaserDisc/SEGA CD FMV game port, last years game was TIME GAL which was a solid port and a pretty unique game for the Amiga. Road Avenger from DATA EAST is the third game in the ReImagine series, a label that carries unofficial fan projects and in general pretty interesting projects for us here at the AmigaGuru’s blog. Road Avenger is like most other FMV...
