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March 2015

The Hyperion Bankruptcy: Hearing Next Week

Hyperion Entertainment LogoHi everyone,

Just a quick update from Bert Dehandschutter concerning the bankruptcy of Hyperion Entertainment, the makers of AmigaOS 4.x. I sent him an e-mail asking about the current status of the case, since we are all eager to hear the verdict, and this is the reply he sent me:

All sorts of Amiga news

Since I took a small, unexpected break at the beginning of the year, there have been plenty of developments in Amiga-land that are of interest. Let’s look at just a few of them, shall we?

Blog links updated

I haven’t updated my own entries yet (although I have several great ideas).

However, I have been adding blogs to my big blog link post. Two columns: Next Gen and Classic

There are plenty of great places to go from there, so check it out.
