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August 2021

Inviyya Unboxing

Despite being announced and made available since last April, the boxed version of the game hit my doorstep only yesterday. It has been a long wait, for Inviyya is one of the most frantic and fun to play titles of the last months. Developed by Tigerskunk and published by Poly.Play, this software is an old-school […]


Raving on: Part 2

It’s six weeks into the summer holidays – although this year, the word holidays rings a bit ironic to me because I don’t remember ever being so busy during summertime. Thank goodness, my current workload is not related to my day job, so paradoxical as it may sound, I’m getting a lot of enjoyment from sweating my guts out in this hot weather. Yes yes yes, I’m finally back on track, trying to catch up with my Amiga projects!

IBrowse 2.5.5 released

IBrowse has received another update, increasing it's version number to 2.5.5.

According to the release announcement, not much has changed visually, this is a maintenance release primarily addressing bugs, but also bringing a couple of new features - here's a quick (incomplete) overview of the changes in version 2.5.5:

A Look At Whirlwind Snooker

“Without doubt, this is a seriously good simulation, but not devoid of humor. If you are taking too long, the snooker balls themselves develop faces and grin, grimace and stick out their tongues. And for those who want to show off their skills, there are numbers of trick shots with which to impress friends and […]


Sony Vaio TX56c has arrived

 When I was working for a global company in the mid 2000's, I travelled a lot across the Asia Pacific region (APAC) and also globally as the APAC IT Manager. I was rarely at home - maybe 2 months in a year for 4-5 years.


I’ll start this review by going back, way back to the year 1995… The Amiga market was drying up and there was a trend of upcoming projects just vanishing from the lists in magazines, on newsgroups and so on which brings me to …  A game by Halibut, yup that was the original team name […]
