December 2017
The Dream Of Rowan – Pre-order Campaign
AmiTen Software have been around for a while now and most Amiga people have probably heard about them in one way or another by now for sure, one of the reasons is most likely because of their upcomming game ” The Dream Of Rowan “, a game i have mentioned before on this very site even. The game started as an normal game project and then it was put on kickstarter but failed to meet its...
Building the TerribleFire TF530 accelerator board, part 5: Testing. More testing. And... happiness.
I'm learning new things about the TF530 almost daily...
Acer LCD screen that supports Amiga native 15khz modes
Today I wanted to show an interesting LCD screen from Acer that is a current model, available brand new in 2017.
Adelaide Retro Computing Group meeting Dec 2017
On Friday December 8th, 2017, we held the final Adelaide Retro Computing Group meeting in it's current form, with all three organisers (including myself) no longer running the events after this.
My Amiga Blog is back in business!
Hi All,
I am pleased to say that my study is finished for the year and exams done too as of today! This of course means that I can now return to my blog again!