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March 2013

Happy Easter

Brussels, March 31, 2013

Easter seems like an appropriate time to provide a short update on the development status of a few key components of the upcoming AmigaOS 4.2.

.. and in 24 Bit

SDL can force a 32bit mode, so on a 24bit screen we do a:

SDL_SetVideoMode (current_width, current_height, 32, uiSDLVidModFlags);

And with this magic, PUAE also works in my 24-bit AROS/linux hosted environment :)!

A600: Fun AmigaSYS testing and some recent OS additions

Hey peepz,

After my latest video (thanks for the nice comments btw), I decided to try more stuff to my system.
First of all and just for FUN purposes I decided to convert AmigaSYS 4 AGA to ECS :P
I really think that AmigaSYS is a nice compilation which has it's follower although, I'm not of them.
Sorry folks, ClassicWB all teh way! So... WHO said that AmigaSYS can't run on ECS machines? :D

Islands in the streams

  • By: JAmiga
  • Posted on: 26 March 2013

This just in!

Update: So, I thought my problems where with the error 209, ACTION_UNKNOWN seen below in a few logs. Not so. Tonight I just realized that I'm playing around with streams that don't support stuff like available() (natively using IDOS->GetFilePosition() and such), i.e. any streaming data with no real end, like STDIN. Like, duh... Anyhow. I've solved this by calling IDOS->IsInteractive() on the file handle prior calling any un-supported functions on it.

New Backgrounds for X1000

Today DJ Nick released some new HD Wallpaper backgrounds for AmigaOS4.

Given it has been a while since I have changed my workbench background, it was a good opportunity
to do so today!

I have included some workbench screen grabs using two of the new backgrounds on my X1000 (click to expand):

A600: Some minor overclock plus some new video

Hey guys, long time no see :)

I've been tinkering a lot my A600's environment all this time plus making some efforts for my GREX 4000 but that will come in a different article in the following weeks.

So... hardware-wise I ordered an full ceramic MC68030@50MHz CPU from Amibay having the latest mask in order to replace my ACA's plastic MC68030@33MHz.
Not a big deal but I had to try :)

I removed the old CPU, putted the new one and this is how it looked without the heatsink on.


Even the GUI opens up:

It is not really working either, but it at least sometimes is a real advantage, that gtk-mui exists :).


I have had no motivation to debug the j-uae bsdsocket.library code any further, so I decided to do something else: