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September 2013

Banquet Reservations Here

While we're getting our website links going,  href="">
click here
to  put  in your reservation.  We'll then
invoice you through PayPal at the
new, lower $20.00 per plate price for the AmiWest 2013


Amiga 500 A501 RAS/CAS dynamic ram timing

So I found myself looking at the dynamic ram timing with a logic analyzer attached to an Amiga 500.

I’m still learning all of this stuff, and after about 45 minutes, I gave up thinking that I was either too tired, or too dumb to catch on to this stuff.

AmiWest Banquet details confirmed

As of today, the AmiWest 2013 banquet price has been lowered to $20.00 per ticket!  We always have a good response to the banquet, and will probably have even more demand at this lower price.


Our new caterer is offering a three-entree meal (roast beef, fried chicken, and baked tilapia) in addition to a selection of vegetables, potatoes, green salad, and two desserts.  There are a few other things included as well , but I'm just doing this from memory.  I got too excited to wait for the official menu from operations officer Chuck Washburn.


36 Days To AmiWest 2013!

Yes, by actual count, there are 36 days left until the second
AmigaOS Programming Seminar commences. Then 2 1/2 days later,
AmiWest 2013 begins.

Many of us have spent a lot of time and energy preparing for you
to come and experience the AmiVerse at AmiWest 2013. So come and
share with us the unique Amiga community and the synergies that
always occur at AmiWest.

Of course, you have to be here in person to get the full impact.
It's not all about program or hardware or software; it's about
