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September 2017

Phase 5: Cyberstorm PPC 2! MK IV! Cybervision 64 3D 2! Blizzard 1230 MK V! Preordering! Prices!

Dreams seem to start becoming reality at Phase 5...

After months of rumours and speculation, and some pictures and announcements by Phase 5 digital products, it looks as if they're close to delivery: Phase 5 has posted a pre-order price list of their upcoming products on their facebook page!

Pretty much all their well-known products are there - in updated versions! The Cyberstorm PPC becomes the Cyberstorm PPC 2, the Blizzard 1230 is now at version five ("V"), the G-Rex PCI daughterboard is updated to G-Rex 2, etc.

AMIGA alive 03: Juggler (1986) and BoingBall (1984) (Video)

"AMIGA alive 03 - Juggler (1986) and BoingBall (1984)" is out! This time with a little history lesson: the legendary Juggler and BoingBall demos, shown in the early days of the Amiga, and responsible for stunning the audience. We hope you enjoy it, and as always comments are welcome!

MUIMapparium on Amithlon

Just stumbled across this video on YouTube of an Amithlon user running the MUIMapparium program on his machine.

I’ve been meaning to look into this program for a while now.  Nice to see it working on Amithlon (one of my favorite flavors of Amiga).


AmiKit X as a Windows front end

Someone on the Amikit X forums has written a forum thread on how to make the AmiKit X system function as a front-end for Windows, running windows programs through rabbithole as well as making the Windows apps have an amiga-look.

Doing this effectively can make your machine look like a very high-end, modern Amiga OS with all the latest app needs being filled in with Windows apps when needed.

Very cool!

See the forum link –> here <–

Amiga CD32 IDE+RAM card in the works

TerribleFire, known for open-source Amiga accelerator designs on YouTube, has added the CD32 as one of the devices he is now making cards for.

This one appears to be a RAM and IDE controller card. As his A500 accelerators have evolved over time, I would expect this one to as well.

Check it out here:

Single boot disk for A1000

So, I’ve never had an A1000, although I hope to one day.  However, unless you are using an ACA500 or another hardware mod, you’ll find booting an a1000 is a two-step process: a Kickstart floppy and a workbench floppy.

Someone recently rediscovered a software application that creates a single-disk for booting and is still commerically available.  Read about his discovery –> here <–


Amiga in the Cloud desktop

Okay, so this is interesting.  The creator of Amibian, the Raspberry Pi emulation environment for the small SBC ARM-based computers, has made a javascript emulation of the Amiga called Amibian.js.  I wrote something about this earlier, but you can run this ‘cloud desktop’ by clicking –> here <–
