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Google Drive for AmigaOS4.1 on X1000

Today I want to take a look at the recently released Google Drive for AmigaOS 4.1 Final Edition. I decided to try this out on the X1000.

For those not familiar, Google Drive is a cloud based file storage solution for saving/retrieving/sharing of files from the internet to/from any computer that runs the Google Drive application, including smartphones like iPhone/Android, iPads, Windows PC, Mac OS X computers and more.

Recently there has been releases for Google Drive for MorphOS and AmigaOS 3.x systems, and finally we now have Google Drive for AmigaOS 4.1 Final Edition! The author of this program is Norbert Kett. You can download the program from here.

The program requires registration of 10 Euro to the author (see the readme in the archive for details) to unlock all the functionality. I decided to try it out as it is provided on Aminet here, to make sure it works well. I am pleased to say it does!

The archive contents is below - note that there is no installer so I extract to RAM first to do a few things for the installation.

Fortunately the instructions in the readme are clear and explain the process well.

Here is the Google drawer:

Update: Note that I am running a later Patch 7 release of Odyssey 1.23 web browser to fix memory leaks and Google login to blogger. The updated patches are an ongoing patch effort which you can follow in the Amigans thread here. It includes the download links for the Patch 7 (just the Odyssey executable to overwrite the original file) and newer releases as they become available. I have not tested earlier versions of Odyssey for compatibility with this next step.

I copied the url from the readme into the Odyssey web browser to allow the Google Drive application on the X1000 to access my Google profile:

Once I allow it, I get the client code that we need to paste into the _client_code file in the Google drawer.

Here is the code pasted in:

Note that for obvious security reasons I blurred the code. I also regenerated the code afterwards to a new code in case I missed it somewhere.

Having saved the _client_code file, I then copied the Google drawer to the DEVS folder on the System: drive:

I then added the assigns needed for Google Drive to mount under AmigaOS 4.1 into the s:network-startup file using Notepad:

 After a reboot I could then open a shell to mount the Google: drive mapping manually to test if it works - and it does!

I can see the contents of my cloud based Google Drive from The X1000 - fantastic:

Now that the drive is mounted, I can see the icon on the Workbench and can view the contents as per any other drive on AmigaOS 4.1 Final Edition (Don't forget to view all files first):

You can open the files directly from Google drive but there is a delay while it traverses the network, which depends on the size of the file.

I then copied across one of the files to my X1000 which worked perfectly:

As a final touch I then set the Google.mountlist to activate the drive on startup of AmigaOS 4.1 Final Edition:

Now the drive is available everytime I boot the X1000.

Since it works so well, I will shortly arrange to pay the 10 Euro to the author to unlock the functionality to copy files to the drive (without this, the drive is read only) and export functionality.

I am very glad to see this software available for AmigaOS 4.1 Final Edition in 2016!