Amiga: First Official Amigos Podcast Magazine


Hi folks,

Tonight I was very surprised to read news about the first official Amigos Podcast magazine! This came as a big surprise to me, I must say that. It’s the new member of the team, Spyhunter, who is responsible for the mag, and the angle is a bit different from the usual:

“So I have decided to start a monthly (hopefully) Official Amigos Podcast magazine, which covers content from my huge collection of Amiga magazines; from the same dates.  For instance this issue begins by covering two months (November and December 1990) and Issue 2 which is currently being worked on, covers magazines from January 1991.  I will attempt to work with the same date method for all future issues.  Issue 01 is for December 2016 and the January magazine (Issue 2) will be released before the end of this month. I will also cover some new items in the magazine such as an interview with John and Aaron, review and news of new release Amiga games, Mega Demos and much more.”


The magazine is downloadable for free and in the .PDF format. Grab it via the link below:

I have not dived into it yet, but it definitely looks interesting.

Thanks for visiting my blog and please come by soon for more Amiga related content.  :)