Richard Löwenstein is creating Reshoot R – A new Amiga-Game in 2017!
Hello folks,
There is a lot happening in the Amiga community these days, like new games, hardware, podacsts and more. As for games, Mr. Löwenstein (author of Reshoot) is now working on Reshoot R, a new game for the Amiga. He has set up a page on Patreon. If you want to support or read more about the game, then please click this link:
Here is a music teaser that was released a few hours ago:
RESHOOT R – Frenetic arcade shoot´em-up. Only on Amiga in 2017
RESHOOT R – Features
- Adrenaline rush gameplay
- Amazing attacking waves
- Extra weapons system
- Carefully balanced difficulty curve
- And yes, autofire option!
- Global highscore table
- Demoversion incoming
- Coding by Richard Löwenstein (RESHOOT, North Sea Inferno and more)
- Pixels by Kevin Saunders of RESHOOT- and Rygar for Amiga-fame
- Aurals by Altraz – DJ, producer and scenemusician
- Releasetarget End of October 2017
RESHOOT R – Technical details
- Written in pure assembler language
- Handcrafted to your Amigas hardware
- Admire multiple layers of organic fogeffects and smooth parallax scrolling
- Experience lots of objects. Big objects, too!
- Gaze at lots of colors
- Enjoy the steady 50 Hertz framerate for smooth gameplay experience
- Let sound-fx and soundtrackermusic pump you up
- Runs on basic A1200, A4000 and CD32 and any compatible AMIGA-emulator (Windows, Mac, Linux and more), takes advantage of faster CPUs
RESHOOT R is about tons of enemy objects, dodging them and admiring their ballet. The sound is woven with the gameplay, the animation, the whole experience. Louder, more colorful, more playable, more spectacular than RESHOOT – that´s RESHOOT R.
What some say about the predecessor:
“Very addictive! Got mine today and have been playing it all evening!” (Roar Tjørhom, customer)
“The mixture of pulsing music, smooth animation and a rain of bullets sucks you right into the gameplay” (Joachim Ruth, T-Online Spiele)
“RESHOOT – Bullethell on Amiga. Watch definitely!” (Willi Bäcker, Factor 5)
“Incredible” (Vincent GR, YouTube)