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Another cool Homebrew hardware project: Amiga floppy read and write via Arduino

So, back in the day, if you wanted to read or write Amiga floppy disks, you needed a dedicated Amiga floppy drive.  The first workaround was to get a catweasel card from Individual Computers, which would allow a PC standard floppy drive to read and write Amiga floppies.

Then, there was the Kyroflux forensic floppy controller was supposedly able to read Amiga floppies.

Then, there was a flurry of activity around the Gotek floppy replacement that allowed a user to plus in a usb flash drive full of Amiga ADF disk images in one side and output a floppy-drive compatible interface on the other.

Now, there is the Arduino Amiga floppy project.  Click the link –> here <–. The author wanted to read amiga floppy disks with a PC floppy drive and, over time, he achieved that goal as well as adding write capability.  The project appears to be continually upgraded through trial and error but you can see he has open sourced the code and the diagrams for others to use.

The history (under the "project so far" link at the top), is an interesting read.