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Dir Me Up 3.90 released for AmigaOS 4.1

Dir Me Up 3.90, the modern Amiga explorer, has been released for AmigaOS 4.1 computers!

Dir Me Up, a software to explore and manipulate files, links and drawers of your Amiga.

A video of Dir Me Up 3.90 has been put online to show archives content browsing:

What’s new
– New! Browsing / It’s now possible to explore archive content, while taking advantage of Dir Me Up features: list or icon view, filter, sort, preview, thumbnails, copy, …
– New! Browsing / The persistent selection (as with DOpus) is now available.

But also …
– Browsing / The “Select All” button alternates between selecting and deselecting (convenient if you have chosen the persistent selection).
– Copy / Analysis improved (up to 90% faster depending on the complexity of the location to be copied).
– List view / Loading improved (30% faster approximately).
– Workbench view / If the volume type is filtered, the context menu changes accordingly.
– Workbench view / If the filter is “Bookmarks” or “Searches”, the context menu now allows to remove the selected item.
– Workbench view / You can not make actions that are incompatible with a search any longer.
– Workbench view / When selecting an item, the total number of volumes and assigns selected was not good in the preview area: fixed.
– Scripts applying / A “shortcut” button that does not require a selected element to run (eg calculator) can now be created (just remove “%1” from the command line).
– Scripts applying / The “shortcut” buttons now also use the dimension specified in the prefs.
– Scripts applying / The control on the dimensions of the buttons images now removed (now obsolete because resized according to the prefs).
– Drawer browsing / When you dragged a drawer while holding down the [Ctrl] key, the new window was iconified if it was set: fixed.
– Prefs – “Display” tab / [Add] and [Remove] buttons shortcuts added.
– Prefs – “Miscellaneous” tab / Tab renamed to “General” and positioned first.
– Prefs – “General” tab / “Browse into archives” checkbox added to enable or disable archive content browsing.
– Prefs – “General” tab / “Persistent selection” checkbox added to enable or disable the persistent selection.
– Browsing / The history was not properly updated after using the “Go to” item: fixed.
– Graphic theme / The icon used for the “Get size” button in the “selected” state was not the correct one: fixed.
– Graphic theme / The “Next Location” button help bubble was not the correct one: fixed.
– Location / Italian and Spanish translations improved.
– Location / New Swedish and German translations added.
– AmigaOS4 FE Specific / Context menu / “Extract” item added in “File” menu.
– …

As usual, this update, free for all registered users, has been put online. To install it, just run Dir Me Up.

A video of the 3.02 update is online.

A tutorial is available online in English or Greek.

More details on our website.

You can download a demo (3.02) allowing (only) browsing
here or there.

Dir Me Up, improve your Amiga!
