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Mig n Ziggy

Mig n Ziggy hasn't been forgotten, a copper trick update showing what the C64 palette and Amiga copper tricks would look like.

If you have followed my blog about this game you will see that I have focused purely on the Commodore C64 colour palette.

I'm curious the idea of blending the C64 and Amiga hardware into an in-between state. 1:1 pixel ratio and copper effects. The copper effects by the way (for the moment) a gradient transitions only using the C64 colours.

This game, while on hold till ProXima3 is completed, I have thought about possibly using the Redpill engine if I can't find a coder. The platform I would like this to be available on is the Amiga 1000 (the very first Amiga machine), so I need to be mindful of memory usage.