The Amiga Art


The Amiga Art Contest - 2022 has officially started! 

Get Creative on your AMIGA’s, Launch your favourite 2D, 3D or Music program and show off your talents. Every year we have an amazing amount of entrants and wonderful prizes to win. Please visit the official video below for more information.
Official Announcement video: 

Here are the Rules: 

Use an Amiga to create the artwork. (Real or emulation) Submit your artwork to one, two, three or all categories below. You can submit as many or as few images as you want. 

 The five categories are as follows: 

1. Hand Drawn Artwork 
2. Digital Photography 
3. 3D/Ray Tracing 
4. MOD/Music 
5. Animation 
 Any Amiga format is fine, from 2 color, to 24 bit As long as your Amiga created it, you can submit it.
Please Email your artwork to - Please include the Hardware and Software you used in your creation, and include a description of how you did it if you want. Their will be winners in each category and an overall "Best of Show" winner. 

Questions? Just reach out to or email

Have fun and tell your friends about the contest! 
Judges links: 
Twitter | (Kevin) 
Official Website (including all the previous entrants and winners) 
Best of Luck everyone :)