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New MorphOS 3.12 is out and it looks like iMac G5’s may be supported

Yet another great release of MorphOS is out and other places are mentioning it.  However, it seems that a little-mentioned blurb in the release notes hint that the iMac G5 (20 and 17 inch models, with G5’s) may be supported even though they aren’t listed in the supported hardware section.

The 17″ and 20″ iSight iMac G5 models have the internal model number (in Apple terms) of PowerMac12,1 (for both).

In the Quark changelog section of MorphOS 3.12:

  • Added basic PMac12,1/PPC970FX frequency switching support

and in the G5 Power Management section:

  • Basic sensor support for PMac11,2/PMac12,1 models

I found this on the posting:

None of these features would make sense being mentioned if the public MorphOS 3.12 release didn't run on those machines, I guess ;-)

This goes along with an old image from a few years ago showing an iMac G5 running dual screen mode with MorphOS:

Maybe it’s time I find a 2nd hand iMac G5…