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Flower Pot: AmigaOS 4.1 FE now installed on my Windows PC

Hello folks,

This evening I shared the news concerning the new AmigaOS 4.1 FE installation package (Flower Pot) for Windows and Mac. I decided to try it out, since I don’t have AmigaOS 4.1 FE on my new PC yet. Having already a copy of the OS, as well as ROM’s from my old installation, I bought the Flower Pot package right away.

The installation was quite straight forward. Downloaded the package, copied the necessary files (AmigaOS 4 ISO, ROM’s..) to the directory on my HD as per instructions and then ran the Flower Pot tool. This tool took care of the rest, the only thing I needed to do was basically to click next and select a language for my keyboard. 🙂 After a short time, AmigaOS 4 was up and running on my PC. Incredible! I give a 6 out of 6 to AmiKit for this package, no doubt.

I’m very excited about this right now and will probably be a bit more down to Earth tomorrow, but hey.. it’s allowed to be happy about a product that actually works right of the bat. 😉

Have a good weekend guys and thanks for visiting my blog.

Now… back to AmigaOS 4! 😀