Terrible Fire’s accelerators for Amiga
I’ve posted about this fellow before, but on YouTube, a user named Terrible Fire has been designing open sourced amiga Accelerator and vlogginb about it. It was in late 2016, that he put up his first video about an Amiga 500 68020 accelerator (TF520). You can see that video here:
He then started including Atari ST computers as part of his design. Later, he started work on the TF 530 (68030):
Later, he teased the TF540 (68040) accelerator for the Amiga 500:
Lately, he’s been working on a CD32 expansion card (not a cpu accelerator), called the TF328
I’ve spotted a few of the TF530 bare boards on ebay recently (unpopulated), so people can start assembling them if they have the parts lists.
I think this sort of shared, open DIY community is one of the many reasons why I prefer Amiga-land over the rest of the boring computer world.
Good job TerribleFire!