Articles from Mambo's Amiga Blog

ZorroII video card – DIY journey

Okay, so one of the things I always thought was necessary when getting a new Amiga, was an RTG graphics card. It just seems essential unless your Amiga is only to be used for ancient games or demos.

I’ve noticed over the past few years that even the cheapest, lowest level RTG card carries a premium price online. I’m not the only one and here is one of the DIY graphics card I’ve seen. has started to produce

About a year ago, there was a call for Amiga developers to come together and contribute new software for both OS3.x and OS4.x and it seems that this new organization has started to bear some fruit. These would be supplied to users via the AppStore. The intropage is found –> here <–

The “Enhancer” project was the first one teased:

And Add Dropbox to the list of Cloud services now Supported by Amiga

Well, about a month or so ago, I posted an article where I tested the OS3.x version of the new Google Drive Handler, which effectively added a mounted drive to access your personal Google Drive. See that article –> here <–

Well, they have streteched support for that tool to the other flavors of Amiga (Amiga OS4.1, MorphOS 3.x and AROS). Great news that we can drag our favorite computer platform into the 21st century.

Accessing Google’s Cloud Drive for Classic Amigas

There is a tool out now called AmiCloud, which I intend to test one day soon, but that is a paid service. Last week, I saw a video on Youtube showing a new “Google Drive Handler”. This would mount a drive called “GOOGLE:” and you could access the files on your Google Drive account as if it was a local volume.

Quick test for comparison

Okay, a few months ago, I’d heard that deadwood had released version 1.25 of OWB for AROS. Since then, he’s opened up the source and improvements have been rolling out. While I haven’t grabbed the latest version, I did want to do a comparison between 1.25 and the 1.24 used on MorphOS (since I recently upgraded to MorphOS3.9 on my Powerbook G4).

OS 4.1 Final Edition Classic finally available for download

When WinUAE started supporting PowerPC accelerator emulation, it wasn’t long before Support for AmigaOS 4.1 support was added.

Not long afterwards, Hyperion released the Final Edition of OS4.1 and lowered the cost to just 30 Euros. However, it was still physical media only, with no option for download-after-purchase like most other Operating Systems.

Cloato updated their Amiga Forever system to include the new PowerPC functionality, and just recently announced that they are now offering OS4.1FE for Classics available for download (SAM and other platforms not offered).

Very good WinUAE tutorial videos

Someone named AmigaSystem on the English Amiga boards has been making some recent videos that are very good if you want to enable some of the newer WinUAE features.

Here’s one that shows how to set up the new bridgeboard emulation:

New Amiga OS hardware

So, currently, we have ACube’s SAM460cr and A-Eon’s x1000 Nemo board that came be purchased today. We’ve heard that the x5000 from A-Eon is on the way as soon as Amiga OS4.2 is fully ported, and Individual Computers will be releasing an Amiga 1200-ish replacement motherboard.
