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Amiwest 2014 Programming Seminar Day 1

Today is my first full day here in Sacramento for Amiwest 2014!

Quite a few people are here already and luckily I have already spent quite a bit of time catching up at dinner and breakfast with people I had only met online before.

Enough of that though, here is some photos from the setting up of the programmers seminar.

Eliyahu has his Pegasos 2 here:

Sacc-dude setup is an Amigaone xe G4 800mhz system:

Steve Solie has his AmigaOne X500 system here too:

Tony, Brian and Steve chatting:

Andy, bill, tony, Brian chatting with Valiant's X1000 in the foreground:

Valiant's sam440 has some issues and he is working on it:

Paul 'Pjsx1k' has his sam440 system:

My Amigaos 4.1.6 classic build on winuae beta 20 running on my late 2013 macbookpro.

Exciting to have so many AmigaOS4 systems around today, with more to come the a weekend! Please come along to Amiwest this year - would love to meet all Amiga fans while I am here!

Ok, time to start learning now from Steve and Andy so I will do another update later!