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AmiWest 2014 - Friday night Classic Clinic and X5000 Cyrus running

On Friday evening the AmiWest 2014 show kicked off with the Classic Clinic, where people could get their Classic Amiga equipment repaired.

At the same time the X5000 system running AmigaOS4.1 (showed in my earlier post) was fired up and shown in public for the first time!

Here Matthew from AmigaKit is getting things up and running, showing the boot sequence and updated u-Boot menu:

The new Early boot menu is done in the Workbench 3.1 style:

The System Info option shows the detailed information about the X5000 system:

Interesting is the option to Start AmigaOS or to Start Classic AmigaOS. I asked Matthew what the Classic AmigaOS option did but was told it was a interesting surprise - I guess we will hear more about this:

Here, Steve Solie and Matthew are discussing all things X5000:

AmigaOS4.1 booting up on the X5000:

This is the composite 3D demo running on the X5000:

Eldee (eliyahu), Matthew, Steve Solie and Ken (sundown) looking at AmigaOS4.1 running on the X5000:

In addition to the X5000, the Classic Clinic was also running at the same time, with a sick A4000 and sick A3000T being worked on while I was there:

Daniel from SACC was helping out with spare parts during the Clinic:

Mike Brantley and Andy (broadblues) chatting:

Classic Clinic was quite busy, with the clinic still going at 11:30pm!

Sick A3000T:

Bill (tekmage) needs help with his A4000D:

Very interesting evening. Quite a number of us (including me) went out to dinner on Friday night at a local Italian Restaurant:

Dave (AmigaDave - moderator at was at the dinner also:

Steve Solie with the ever present finger!

 Tony got his chance to have the pie again that he had at this same restaurant at AmiWest last year! Thanks Paul (pjs) for taking this photo:

Time for bed - well after midnight here now in Sacramento. The show proper kicks off at 10am Sacramento time on Saturday! Plenty to do in the morning so catcha later.