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Articles from Steven Solie Blog

The AmigaOne X1000 Experience

I received my AmigaOne X1000 system on Tuesday, September 20 after it had been held captive by Canadian customs for an extra day or so. It has been a long journey since I first got wind of this “most ambitious project” years earlier. Thanks to a bunch of lawyers, the model name on the case reads “AmigaOne” but at its heart beats the original Amiga operating system (AmigaOS) which has evolved significantly since its debut in 1985.

The AmigaOne X1000 Experience

I received my AmigaOne X1000 system on Tuesday, September 20 after it had been held captive by Canadian customs for an extra day or so. It has been a long journey since I first got wind of this “most ambitious project” years earlier. Thanks to a bunch of lawyers, the model name on the case reads “AmigaOne” but at its heart beats the original Amiga operating system (AmigaOS) which has evolved significantly since its debut in 1985.

Cat Herding Drivers

Cat herding (managing software developers & engineers) is difficult enough. It certainly doesn’t help that your cats... er... people become demotivated when offered things like large cash bonuses. Why on earth would a large bonus not motivate people?

Cat Herding Drivers

Cat herding (managing software developers & engineers) is difficult enough. It certainly doesn’t help that your cats... er... people become demotivated when offered things like large cash bonuses. Why on earth would a large bonus not motivate people?

REBOL Style Browser

Many events have now been implemented in the AmigaOS host kit for REBOL 3. Double clicking, keyboard events and mouse moves are some examples. These events make the GUI quite functional now.

Thanks to a patch from Richard Smolak (aka Cyphre), the REBOL 3 style browser now runs as well. The style browser is used to help test the REBOL GUI.


REBOL Style Browser

Many events have now been implemented in the AmigaOS host kit for REBOL 3. Double clicking, keyboard events and mouse moves are some examples. These events make the GUI quite functional now.

Thanks to a patch from Richard Smolak (aka Cyphre), the REBOL 3 style browser now runs as well. The style browser is used to help test the REBOL GUI.


Text rendering is now functional from REBOL but not all the features are quite there yet. Richard Smolak (aka Cyphre) provided a much needed patch to enable the use FreeType instead of the proprietary Windows font system. Another big thanks goes out to Michael Trebilcock who provided me with the latest FreeType port.


Text rendering is now functional from REBOL but not all the features are quite there yet. Richard Smolak (aka Cyphre) provided a much needed patch to enable the use FreeType instead of the proprietary Windows font system. Another big thanks goes out to Michael Trebilcock who provided me with the latest FreeType port.
