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Articles from Epsilon's AmigaOne X1000 Blog

20 Years since Commodore and the future is bright

It is amazing to reflect that it has been 20 years since Commodore (and Amiga with it) went bankrupt, in 1994.

I wanted to take a moment today to reflect on the fact that despite this sad development, and some of the developments and many false starts and promises that followed since - that made some people lose faith, we still have a vibrant and active Amiga community today.

For that I am eternally grateful.

Filesysbox NTFS with SATA HD on X1000 - Part 2

Today I continue my look at Filesysbox NTFS with SATA HD on the X1000. In this 2nd Part, I look at the Ubuntu side after swapping my new NTFS hard disk as the new AmigaOS hard disk.

If you haven't read Part 1, I recommend you do so here first.

This Part 2 continues straight on from Part 1, where I was copying my files to the new NTFS volumes on the 1TB hard disk set up in Part 1.
