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Articles from Epsilon's AmigaOne X1000 Blog

DOpus 5.9 Updated on X1000

A few months ago I started playing with the new Dopus 5.9 Magellan II Beta for AmigaOS4 on the X1000. Work has continued on a daily basis on improving the software, with kas1e and others working hard on it! I downloaded the latest nightly update version of Dopus 5.9 this week and played around with it this weekend to see what has improved:

M.A.C.E on X1000

Today I take a look at the recently released M.A.C.E by AmiBoing for AmigaOS4 on the AmigaOne X1000.

Amiboing had a busy 2012, releasing a lot of new games on AmigaOS4, and I have covered many of them in my blog.
