A Look At Wiz – Quest For The Magic Lantern

First of all, I have to admit something and yes this is a review of a game that I actually worked a bit on as a tester++ and you might even spot me in the credits too so yes the review here might sound a bit biased and overhyped but I have tried my best […]


New printmag: AMIGA ADDICT - preorder now!

Awesome news from the printed side of things: A new magazine is underway!

Continuing the tradition of great english language Amiga magazines like AMIGA FORMAT, CU Amiga, and others, AMIGA ADDICT is a new printed magazine from the UK. 

Or more precisely: not "is", but "will be" if all goes well. For the first issue at least 500 preorders are needed, for the publishers to get an idea of the market, and cover production costs.

NEONworld - free AMIGA game assets

 Hey Everyone,

Want to build your own Amiga game but don't have assets, we'll I decided create assets ready to use and build a game in your favourite engine or your own.  The graphics are OCS and 16 colours, this should cover every Amiga platform including the very first Amiga 1000.

I plan to do more game assets for people to play with over time. (I have other assets such as Tetris clone, and Space Invaders, but newer ideas will come)

A Look At Powermonger

Of all the games I missed during the 90ies, PowerMonger is probably one of the most representative of an entire era. Derived from the Populous engine but featuring a 3D map PowerMonger, a real-time strategy game, was developed by Bullfrog from the Amiga and Atari ST in 1990 and published by Electronic Arts. As a […]


Back on track(ing)

Much of my creative activity in the 1990s was related to the Amiga demoscene. I was lucky to live in a city which, albeit small, concentrated enough local talent to have formed a full-fledged demo group called Vectors, which I joined in early 1993. Unlike many other demo groups, the members of which were often scattered across different cities or even countries, we could easily meet up in person to discuss things, work on our projects, or just have some serious fun with our Amigas.

Moving all new posts to Epsilon's World Blog

I have decided to unify all my various blogs under one unified blog called Epsilon's World.

All articles I have written for Epsilon's Amiga Blog, Epsilons C64 Blog, Interesting Trains and Virtualised (I'll bet you never read that one) are now all available on the new blog. This allows me the freedom to blog on any topic without being typecast and maintaining multiple blogs.

This particular blog will remain as it is now, due to the large number of internet website and social media linking directly to articles here.

New Silicon Graphics Octane has arrived!

I finally own a Silicon Graphics system! These machines were so expensive when they were new, but nowadays you can pick them up quite cheaply. I picked up an Octane system from a Australian seller, and I now have it working. Let's take a closer look at this amazing system.

Game Review: The Pawn

One of the Amiga games that stuck in my imagination forever despite dating back 35 years ago is The Pawn. This game, initially a text-only adventure developed and published for the Sinclair QL in 1985, was written by Rob Steggles at Magnetic Scrolls and soon became a hit due to its peculiar nature of making […]

