The crest of a Rave

I realize it’s high time I shed some light on my Amiga programming activities and on the software I’m developing at the moment. Pressed for time before Christmas I originally planned to write just a short heads-up note but because there’s a bit of a story behind it, I’ve decided to turn it into a regular blog post in the end.

Unboxing A Homebrewed Tiny Bobble

I first played Bubble Bobble on the Commodore 64 and it didn’t take long before both myself and my brother was hooked so much that it eventually led to us completing the game, this was back in 1987. That very port is still in my top 10 games on the machine and well little did […]


Introducing Tristam Island

If you really believe it will happen, they say. And it actually did, even though I had to wait 34 years. Thanks to Hugo Labrande, dedicated coder and adventurer, I am now the happy and proud possessor of a brand new text adventure running in my C128 in native mode. But Hugo’s endeavor doesn’t stop […]


It’s Calendars Time Again

It is that time of the year again when everyone, and his brother, try to fill your already crammed little house with any kind of unwanted stuff. If this wasn’t already exhausting by itself, today is Friday 13th of one of the worst periods in the last 100 years. Nonetheless, since I’ve always been on […]


Trak Racer TR8 is here!

This weekend has been busy building and setting up my new Trak Racer TR-8 racing simulator. For this blog entry I wanted to take a look at the build process and trying it out with a few different games, even running Outrun with MAME using it. Let's dive in :-)
