Productive day
Finally built the clock I picked up at Makers Fair last year!
Also butchered a pineapple.
Good day so far.
Finally built the clock I picked up at Makers Fair last year!
Also butchered a pineapple.
Good day so far.
Far more years ago then I care to remember I started playing D&D again with some friends. It started as a game once a month, then we started a regular Thursday night game and that Thursday night game is now on it's second campaign.
I chose to call my blog "Court of the Universe" after one of the locations of the 1915 PanAmerican worlds fair. I always liked the names people gave things in the past, they instilled a sense of grandeur simply by what they called it. In reality it was a temporary structure build of chicken wire and stucco but for the year it was around it raised the hopes and dreams of those who came to pay it homage. Built in a time when America was a raising force in the world, tucked on the wrong side to two oceans and the land of hopes and opportunities.