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February 2019

IRIDIUM 5 days to go - Kickstarter Campaign

Hello Amigans :)

It's always interesting to know if word gets out sometimes :)
Firstly, it's wonderful seeing the Amiga move forward in so many ways. New games, new hardware for both classics and NG machines. As a proud owner of an Amiga 1200 and an X5000 I enjoy seeing new developments, software, hardware, even emulation.

A Look At AmiTen’s Coco Banana

Coco Banana is AmiTen’s second full release Amiga game, it was released in December 2018, their first game (The Dream Of Rowan) was released back in December 2017. AmiTen is most likely best known for the controversy around their game releases the last few years, I won’t dwell too much into that as all I can […]



I find social media is a very polarising medium. On one hand, its biggest strength is that it can connect you with other people over a shared interest that you may […]

It Came From The Desert Remake. Game Announcement

As you guys know, this blog is mainly about Amiga, retro gaming and Sony consoles. Nonetheless, we always keep an open-minded attitude and our “radars” on to the spot and lock-on titles that we deem closely related to our main objectives or to our common past. Just as an example, we revied articles that were […]



It has been a while since I posted anything regarding my experiences with Linux on my AmigaOne X5000 machine.  Regular readers of my blog will be aware that I succeeded […]

IRIDIUM on the Amiga? Kickstarter Stretch Goals

We are very excited to let you all know we have reached 100%+ of our Kickstarter for IRIDIUM :)

Now we have our official Stretch Goals. At the moment of writing this we have raised £2803 if we can get to our first Stretch Goal, everyone who pledges £5 or more gets two posters added.
