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February 2017

Emotion media player on X1000

It is nice to be blogging again! Thanks all for your patience. I am getting better slowly, although not entirely fixed up yet.

Today though I wanted to take a look at the recently released Emotion media player for AmigaOS 4.1 Final Edition on my AmigaOne X1000.

FlowerPot: A quick and easy way to set up Amiga OS4.1FE on WinUAE by the makers of Amikit

The makers of Amikit, an amazing emulated pre-built environment, has released FlowerPot, a set of tools to automate setting up OS4.1FE in the latest and greatest version of WinUAE, without some of the limitations we ran into in 2015 and 2016 (like only being able to use PicassoIV emulation and not higher-RAM UAE graphics, pci bridgeboard support, etc).

It’s not free, but it’s not expensive either. I’m currently testing it and will have a review later.
