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August 2014

X500 Evo: Stuffing da beast (Part 5)

Hello peepz :)

Today's article will be among the last (X500's hardwarewise) but certainly the most important as it's about cable management in order for the upper shell's cables not interfering with the innards of the case.
Yeah I know I'm a bit OCD with the cables :)

As you might have seen already in my initial X500 Evo presentation article, the upper shell case has 2x 50mm Fans with it's cables, a cable for the Power switch, and 2x quite lengthy thick insulated LED cables for Power/HDD activity.

X500 Evo: Stuffing da beast (Part 4)

Hey guys.

I thought of posting one little update but with much importance :P
First of all 2 days ago I received my original Cherry MX Brown keyboard from Loriano as by little mistake my X500 Evo had the Cherry MX Blue ones when I received it.
Not some biggie as everything's just fine now.

I thought to share some keyboard pr0n for entertainment purposes.

Boring SVN management

Before you can start something new, you have to cleanup your mess. At least you should. Although my SVN tree is not really a mess, it still needed some cleanups. So what i did:

Odamex 0.70

[Edit] 2014-08-27: Changed some things about ag-odalaunch. More information below. 2014-08-28: Made it clear that I was talking about an A1200 when playing on a classic Amiga.

Janus-UAE v1.4 released

Icaros 2.0 will be shipped with Janus-UAE v1.4

Most features and bugfixes were requested by Paolo, so you have to thank him for his efforts, feature requests and the very helpful bug reports, which made v1.4 possible.

New features:

  • janusd is now available for AROS/68k guest systems
  • GUI display tab reordered
  • added new AROS screen resolution option: Clone Workbench (so you can now open up the emulation screen in the same resoution, as your AROS native workbench screen)


MorphOS update

Well, I forgot to mention a few weeks ago that MorphOS was updated to version 3.7, mostly a bug-fix version, but well worth the download. I have yet to do the update on my PowerBook G4.

MorphOS update

Well, I forgot to mention a few weeks ago that MorphOS was updated to version 3.7, mostly a bug-fix version, but well worth the download. I have yet to do the update on my PowerBook G4.

X500 Evo: Stuffing da beast (Part 3)

Hey guys.

Not many updates these days as I'm still waiting stuff to arrive from overseas :(
One of the things that troubled me was were to put the 4-pin power connector.

As you might saw already, the X500 Evo has a small hole on the back side in order for a normal PicoPSU female power plug connector to be mounted.
