July 2013

CU Amiga coverdisk July 1990

The one thing from this disk that I remember vividly is the Flood demo. Throwing those hand grenades was the coolest thing you could do.   I should have the disk somewhere but it would not surprise me if I used it for another game or program. Disks did not come cheap so whatever you […]

CU Amiga coverdisk July 1990

The one thing from this disk that I remember vividly is the Flood demo. Throwing those hand grenades was the coolest thing you could do.   I should have the disk somewhere but it would not surprise me if I used it for another game or program. Disks did not come cheap so whatever you […]

New AmigaOS Core Developers

blog_devWe are pleased to announce that we have joined the AmigaOS development team. We hope that we are able to contribute some good things to AmigaOS using our skills in coding (Frank) and graphics (Thomas).

The follow is a short description of us and our products.

aros-PGP-RecoVer - aros sox

amiPGP-RecoVer was the last tool i compiled for 68k amiga back than and i become aros user and backup all my 68k codes into a cd which i found today and back ported from 68k to aros and called arosPGP-RecoVer..


Who didn’t use Soundtracker? It is part of the Amiga history books as so many other great things. Soundtracker is guaranteed to give you hours if not days of material to talk about. I still have my Soundtracker disks. Once I have my A1200 setup again I will see if they still work. I am […]


Who didn’t use Soundtracker? It is part of the Amiga history books as so many other great things. Soundtracker is guaranteed to give you hours if not days of material to talk about. I still have my Soundtracker disks. Once I have my A1200 setup again I will see if they still work. I am […]

AmigaPAINT 1.0

Hello to all Amiga users.

I have always loved the paint programs on the Amiga.  Deluxe Paint from Electronic Arts and Brilliance 2 from Digital Creations.

AmigaPAINT 1.0

Hello to all Amiga users.

I have always loved the paint programs on the Amiga.  Deluxe Paint from Electronic Arts and Brilliance 2 from Digital Creations.
