The Cult of Amiga
Website "Popular mechanics" has published a nice article that kind of gives a rundown of the entire history of Amiga computing, and an insight into the enthusiasm that still keeps the platform alive.
Website "Popular mechanics" has published a nice article that kind of gives a rundown of the entire history of Amiga computing, and an insight into the enthusiasm that still keeps the platform alive.
I had the chance today to download a new game which has appeared on OS4 Depot, namely a SDL2 optimised version of the Classic Amiga game Super Methane Bros for […]
I’ve posted about this fellow before, but on YouTube, a user named Terrible Fire has been designing open sourced amiga Accelerator and vlogginb about it. It was in late 2016, that he put up his first video about an Amiga 500 68020 accelerator (TF520). You can see that video here: