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The Armiga Project

Hi guys,

Hope you all are well and looking forward to the upcoming spring. Had a good deal of sun yesterday, which was a blessing considering the rather dark and wet winter we’ve had so far this year, at least here in Northern Europe.

Anyway, today I’d like to tell you about a new Amiga related project I discovered yesterday. It’s called the Armiga Project and it looks quite interesting. Please have a look at the video below to learn more:

What do you think about the Armiga? I know some people will shake their heads at the old 3.5″ floppy disk drive, but I LOVE it. :D For those who have tons of those disks in their cupboards, they will now have an easy way of getting them onto a modern format, preserving them for the future. Besides, there is something magical (for us nostalgics.. hehe..) to use floppies, hearing them load and so on.

The creators of the Armiga have launched a campaign on Indiegogo asking for support/pre-orders. I pledged for “The Armiga Deluxe Edition” and I believe I was the first one to do so. ;) ETA is November 2014, so looking forward to that month already.

The Armiga Prototype

The Armiga prototype

The image above shows the prototype in all its glory. :) Looks neat doesn’t it?

Anyone else looking forward to this new toy?

Thanks for reading and have a nice day!