Adelaide Amiga User Group and Amiga 30 Meeting

I have been busy for the past few weeks working on creating a web presence for the Adelaide Amiga User Group, which meets regularly in Adelaide, South Australia.

The site has now gone live! The web address to go to is:

You can find all the information you need on when the meetings happen, the meeting location and how to get there. There is also a blog to add photos from events and other interesting Amiga related topics!

As a reminder the next Amiga meeting (dubbed Amiga 30) has been set as Monday May 25th, 2015. It is hoped, as part of the Amiga 30th birthday celebrations, to get as many different Classic and Next Generation Amiga systems as we can to the meeting!

If you plan to go then please leave a comment on Adelaide Amiga thread here so the user group know who is definitely coming!

I will certainly be there, with plenty of Amiga's on display! I look forward to seeing some of you there too!