FriendUP v1.0.0 Meta Operating System Released
Hi guys,
Dan Wood posted some interesting news concerning FriendUP on
As some of you may already know, I recently joined the very talented team at FriendUP which consists of many former Commodore/Amiga people.
On my first visit to the offices in Norway I was pleased to see they even have a resident Amiga 1000 in the office!
Commodore UK’s former joint managing directors David Pleasance and Colin Proudfoot are heavily involved in the company, and talent such as Paul Lassa (behind the Commodore 65) and Francois Lionet of AMOS fame are also coding for the core platform.
I’ve enjoyed many Amiga related chats with their chief architect Hogne, who is an Amigan through and through. I was impressed to see the AmigaDOS and TRIPOS manuals on his desk for reference.
Amiga fans will be very at home with the CLI which is based on TRIPOS and even the directory structure, mount-lists etc. are all descended from the Amiga.
The project is open source and after 3 years of testing and development, version 1.0.0 was uploaded to Github over the weekend. You can download it and build it locally, check out their web-based “demo version” there will also be a Linux-based Installer coming soon.
I’d implore every Amiga fan to give it a proper look:…your-computer/
We’ll have a video giving more detail and showing some examples later this week.