Bounder Review
Bounder popularity spans decades and has continued to be featured in many retro magazines, videos and on social media to this day. This little tennis ball of fun continues to be highly regarded and fondly remembered. Originally created by Christian Shrigley, Andrew Green, Robert Toone and Published by Gremlin Graphics Software Ltd in 1985, Bounder featured many ground-breaking features such as Parallax Scrolling first seen in Bounder. The game featured 12 levels, all as challenging as the first and at times is unforgiving but that’s what kept drawing people back to this best selling game. Zzap!64 gleefully pinned a Gold Medal on the daredevil tennis ball in its tenth issue, calling Bounder “an absorbing, demanding and totally innovative approach to the ageing platform formula,” and that’s exactly what Bounder is. Today Bounder is still really popular in the Retro gaming circles, with 2 page spreads in Retro Gamer and it’s even to be included in the Mini C64 release. If you haven’t played it, then the new mobile game will be something you will not be able to put down!
And will include the C64, Spectrum and Amstrad versions all in one App!
We are replicating the original C64 game but for mobile, so you will get the authentic Bounder experience on the move, right down to the catchy tune!

The small yet powerful Speecy version of Bounder is included in this App also, it will be just like the original… from the graphics, playability and sound.

From Amstrad’s colourful monitor beemed down straight to your mobile device, the CPC version of Bounder will replicate the original game.
I have fond memories of this classic Gremlin game. The basics if you don’t know Bounder is you’re a bouncing Tennis ball which you have to steer of many challenging levels it remind me of a top view version of the classic Wizball.
I used to play this game on the ZX Spectrum with a Cheetah Joystick and challenging was not the word for this game. At the time I did not progress far in the game down to controls being a bit tough to control and field of view could have been bigger in my opinion.
I have to say I was happy to hear Bounder was getting a reboot and what a reboot you can play the Spectrum Version, Amstrad and C64 versions of the game.
For me this is better than the original as the field of view is huge and the screen movement controls in my opinion works better and plays better than the original.
I would hugely recommend this game to people who played the original and to new users you will not be disappointed.
The post Bounder Review first appeared on RETRO GAMESMASTER.