Great Duck Race Train trip
There is an interesting yearly tradition in the country town of Strathlbyn, a short drive from Adelaide. It is called the Great Duck Race. I haven't never seen it before now, despite living in Adelaide since 1994!
Given we are well into bushfire season, Steamranger doesn't use the steam locomotives for this journey. Instead we have the classic Red Hen train and consist, as used on the Adelaide Metro train network until the 1980's.
These carriages were infamous as they don't have air conditioning in them, which meant that when they were in active service, the doors used to be kept open to allow fresh air into the train while it was in motion!
Of course that would never be allowed today, and so we all open the windows in the carriages so we get some cool air!

Steamranger also runs a service that continues all the way to the coastal town of Victor Harbor, which I have been on several times before and it is very enjoyable.
As we walk into Strathlbyn town centre from the railway station, I note these duck containers in the restaurants to hold the salt, pepper and sugar - very cool!
As we arrived at the event, we can see they have installed piping along the river banks that runs through the centre of Strathlbyn. This is the contain the racing ducks.
We arrived before the races started, so we took a look around at the Christmas market nearby, with lots of stalls and a local band playing Christmas music.
As you can see, there are a lot of ducks! However, if we had to wait for the ducks to move down the river, under the bridge to the finish line beyond, we would only have one race in the day! So, behind the ducks is a man in a boat and a leaf blower, pushing the ducks along!
The piping on the river finishes at a narrow point, with a small finishing line at the end. The top three ducks are removed from the water and the numbers read out. If the number matches one you bought in the raffle, you win a cash prize!
The 1st place prize in the main race is $1000, so it is worth giving it a go! All money raised is for local charity work in Strathlbyn, so it is for a good cause also.
Time for the Great Duck Race, the main event of the day.
Sadly we didn't win the race, or finish in the top three in any heats, but we had a great day out and it was really fun!