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SimpleMail 0.41 Gmail IMAP on X1000

Recently I took a look at SimpleMail 0.41, released in December 2014 for AmigaOS 4.1, on my AmigaOne X1000.

AmigaOS 4.1 Final Edition includes SimpleMail 0.35 with it, but since then SimpleMail has been updated to support the latest SSL protocols to fix the issues with Gmail not working since their security upgrades removed support for the older AmiSSL connections.
You can download the latest SimpleMail 0.41 with the fixed openssl library from here. Once downloaded and extracted you get the following drawer.

As your email can use a lot of space over time, I recommend putting this drawer on a separate large WORK partition rather than the System: partition. In my case I created an Applications drawer on WORK: and then extracted the SimpleMail 0.41 archive to there.

There is a good Amigaguide document included with the SimpleMail program to explain it's requirements and how to use it.

As they mention, it is BETA software and not completely finished, but the IMAP functionality to use Gmail is what I want to use it for, which works fine.

Note that SimpleMail requires a MUI class called PopPlaceHolder which is not included with AmigaOS 4.1 Final Edition or with the included 0.35 program or the 0.41 update! The other requirements (MUI classes) have links shown in the Requirements guide below.

I already had all the MUI classes listed as requirements except PopPlaceHolder.

You can download PopPlaceHolder from AmiNet here. This is the PopPlaceHolder drawer once extracted, ready for installation. Just double click on MCC-Install to walk through the standard Workbench installer.

Even though the program is for 68k Amigas, it will work fine under AmigaOS 4.1. This requirement is needed to be able to use the Configuration window within the SimpleMail program.
Speaking of which, here is the SimpleMail 0.41 program window on initial open:

The structure and layout of the email program is very familiar to people who have used YAM (Yet Another Mailer) before on Classic Amigas or AmigaOS 4.1.

Under the Right click Menu, select Settings > Configuration.. to get the window below. You will need to configure your email accounts in here to be able to download/send out your emails.

As you can see there are plenty of settings covering most email settings you would expect. But lets look at adding a Gmail account into SimpleMail, by selecting the Accounts area of the Configuration window (in the left pane):

Click on Add Account to start putting in the configuration. I have included the settings I used to get IMAP Gmail account working in SimpleMail - minus the pixelated email address - please substitute your own Gmail email address.

In the Receive mail section you can specify how often mail is checked - I changed this to every 3 minutes.

In the Signatures section I could create my signature for my emails sent from Simple Mail:

There is a comprehensive Spam section to check incoming emails for Spam, and to add senders to black list (block) or white list (allow).

Mail sync then gets underway:

Mail synced and I now have Gmail IMAP working using Simple Mail - names and emails blurred to protect the innocent!

It is great to be able to use Gmail IMAP support on my AmigaOne X1000 using Simple Mail. It works with POP3 also of course (config not included here sorry!), so you can choose from either method.

I hope this guide is useful!