I've managed to draw a nice new icon for JAmiga! This is what I've been doing the last few days since my silly release:
I've managed to draw a nice new icon for JAmiga! This is what I've been doing the last few days since my silly release:
So, I haven't done much lately on JAmiga, but I'd thought I at least give you something to play with. I've prepared an archive with everything you need to install a Java environment on AmigaOS 4.
Here are the downloads:
I thought I'd share the current status of my Mauve tests. I haven't had much time these last few days, but I have atleast a partial Mauve run:
This is getting annoying, but I do have had some success, just this very minute. Even though it doesn't work.
I eventually got some work done this week, but still not quite there. The problems regarding the reported file size was easily fixed, once I saw the error. It was a rather embarassing error. Apparantely the Java type "long" was defined as a 32 bit value, where Java wants a 64 bit type. Easily fixed, and kind of in the areas of what I thought was wrong. Following that fix, my current problem arise around opening file through the Java URL class, i.e. on the "file://SYS:s/startup-sequence"-form. I had the feeling this would come and bite me, sooner or later.
The deadline for the bounty is closing in on me. Sadly I won't have much time to work on it this week... so my fear is that the deadline will be delayed. Hopefully only a few days though.
My recent progress has surfaced a few specific issues I have to deal with prior releasing a beta version.
I'm happy to announce the first working usable application for Java on Amiga: a telnet-client.
Update: So, I thought my problems where with the error 209, ACTION_UNKNOWN seen below in a few logs. Not so. Tonight I just realized that I'm playing around with streams that don't support stuff like available()
(natively using IDOS->GetFilePosition()
and such), i.e. any streaming data with no real end, like STDIN. Like, duh... Anyhow. I've solved this by calling IDOS->IsInteractive()
on the file handle prior calling any un-supported functions on it.
As briefly mentioned in my previous entry, trying anything more fancy than sending a little data over the network, causes JamVM to wildly crash. I've yet not found the reason for this, it only happens for one particular example (that I've come across) and I can't find any obvious cause for it. It happens right after JamVM has actually ended, and the crash is according to Grim Reaper caused by the process of name "", which milliseconds before was named "jamvm.exe".