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February 2017

Another open-source Amiga 500 68030 Accelerator

Information about this project has been floating around Amiga-circles for a while now but there is yet-another great and motivated Amiga user that is good with hardware design that has decided to make his own accelerator. Since Amiga 500 is one of those machines that don’t have a lot of options (well, if you get the ACA500, you can add an amiga 1200 accelerator and there is also the Vampire 500 coming), but the more the better!

About every week, he will post an update video on his findings and experiments. My congratulations to his hard work.

AmiSSL 4.0 for Classic and OS4

Great news for those that use their Amigas for webbrowsing.
See the main page –> here <–

While they have built it for OS3.x and OS4.x, the source is available for those willing to build it for MorphOS, AROS, Amithlon, etc (if they can't get the emulated version working). It's on the website.

Some features:

New RTG card info and ordering

So, I talked about this one in the past but there was an enterprising Amiga user that created his own RTG video card for his Amiga 2000 due to the rarity and crazy prices of the few still on the market. It’s called the MNT VA2000 and is a Zorro II card that can work in Zorro III machines.

Batch #2 is now taking pre-orders: Pre-order page link

Here’s a link to the drivers: Drivers link

A temporary pause in the blog

Hi All,

My sincere apologies about the lack of blog entries in 2017.

Unfortunately I now have to pause the blog for a bit while I am dealing with some personal medical issues. It is taking more time than I thought to find the source of the problems through multiple tests and it is still ongoing.
