Articles from AmigaGuru Blog

A Look At The Jim Power In Mutant Planet CD32 Release

Did you know that there was a re-release of the old classic Jim Power (My Amiga 500 review here) earlier this year?  Well, not many did really and this is thanks to the very long time from ordering it to it finally showing up. The reason is simple enough, it was a Kickstarter planned project […]


Mini Review: Buffalo Bill’s Rodeo Games

Hello there, I have decided to try and get a more steady flow of articles to my blog so therefore I have decided to do a new series called Mini Reviews ( I have run this series on facebook for years now), we will see how this goes, thanks for your feedback and interest in […]


1942 & The Amiga Development Progression

1942 for the Amiga 500 has been in development for quite a while now and when I joined the project earlier this year then the base engine and a few levels were more or less finished albeit a bit crude. It didn’t take long before my (and other testers) bug reports (wasn’t all that bad, […]


Tony’s Game Of The Year Awards 2021

Oh hello there, Game Of The Year lists have always been a thing for people and most of the time I would struggle like hell to find one to write about due to the insane amount of games (old and new) that I play throughout a year. Is it possible to write something interesting for […]


A Story To Be Told: Legend of Falconia

2021 has been a superb period as far as Amiga games release. Not only did new games appear on the horizon, but the time was ripe also for retrieving great titles of the past. In particular, thanks to a very dedicated fan (and user), we were able to put our hands on an unpolished gem […]


A look at Lotus Turbo Challenge II

The first years of the ’90s were a gold mine as far as Amiga games were concerned and developers across Europe consistently released incredible titles. The second Lotus game was one of these, with its focus oriented to an arcade type of gameplay in which you had to complete different tracks in a series of […]


Unboxing Smarty And The Nasty Gluttons

The AmigaGuru’s gamer blog has certainly had a rough year so far when it comes to the actual content. Writing articles takes time and those that know me well knows that I refuse to post an article just for the sake of posting one, and yes, this is not a news site either which means […]


A Look At Rodland

Rod Land is a platform game originally developed and published in arcades by Jaleco in 1990. Following the success of the arcade, the game was ported to the Amiga and published by Storm in 1991. The player(s) control one or two fairies, armed with a magic wand (a rod), that has(have) the ability to freeze […]

