Articles from AmigaGuru Blog

California Games – From Top 2 Bottom

California Games was simply outstanding, making it all the more astonishing how the sequel, California Games II, managed to mess everything up.

There isn't a single likable aspect in the sequel, which perfectly exemplifies how the developer completely missed what made the original so great.


Zool The Ninja From The Nth Dimension Is Back

I basically rushed straight onto the PlayStation Store When Zool ReDimensioned got released. Always been a huge Zool fan. How is this school project remake compared to the Amiga classic then? Find out what I thought of it by visiting the Amiga Guru's Gamerblog...


A Look At: Devil’s Temple – Son Of The Kung-Fu Master

I was a bit involved in this game last year until it reached a certain level of completeness and then I went quiet for months, post-covid stuff made me really, really quiet which I mentioned in a dedicated post a while back.  Anyway, this game is one of them that I helped out on but never finished (sorry Geezer) the task I was asked to help out with.

