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Articles from Epsilon's AmigaOne X1000 Blog

Moving all new posts to Epsilon's World Blog

I have decided to unify all my various blogs under one unified blog called Epsilon's World.

All articles I have written for Epsilon's Amiga Blog, Epsilons C64 Blog, Interesting Trains and Virtualised (I'll bet you never read that one) are now all available on the new blog. This allows me the freedom to blog on any topic without being typecast and maintaining multiple blogs.

This particular blog will remain as it is now, due to the large number of internet website and social media linking directly to articles here.

Wayfarer 1.1 Web browser using MorphOS 3.14 on X5000

It is good to be back talking about NextGen Amiga updates again in 2020. Today I am taking a look at  very exciting web browser update for MorphOS called Wayfarer version 1.1, promising modern web browser functionality using the latest Webkit version. It needs the recently released MorphOS 3.14 installed on my AmigaOne X5000 first, so let's dive in!

A Tale of Two Vampires

Sorry for the delay in blog posts, but today I try to make up for it as I bring you a tale of two Vampires, featuring AmiKit XE. And even a bit of Gotek to boot. This work was carried out throughout the whole of August.

MorphOS 3.13 and Iris Beta 71 Email on X5000

First off I must apologise for the slowness of blog updates this month. I have been quite ill for the past two weeks (especially the last week) with some kind of bad flu thingy. And no, I haven't travelled anywhere overseas or even Australia recently...I am still recovering, so I have been isolating and working from home (just in case) to protect work colleagues and family.

Despite this, I have still been doing some Amiga stuff this month.
