Articles from Mambo's Amiga Blog

Fixing Broken AmiSSL in Amithlon

I recently have received a real, genuine Amithlon CD and plan to make a machine or two for myself using it.  While I wait for parts to arrive, I stumbled onto a video link about someone noticing that the latest AmiSSL doesn’t work on Amithlon due to a problem with the libraries.

Amithlon emulates an 040 but to get AmiSSL working, the 060 version of its library must be used.  To get Amithlon to use this one, the user had to run Make060 from Aminet in the user startup.

A video is here:

Updated link for Pimiga for Raspberry Pi 3 & 4

I formerly posted info about a beta release of PiMiga for RPi 4 and it was taken down shortly thereafter.  I don’t know if it was due to it being replaced for new features or the name was causing problems (it was called Corona edition).  Now, the newly renamed and re-released Lockdown Edition, has been released and there are downloads for both the RPi 3 and 4, not just the 4.

Due to how fast the other one disappeared, grab it now. Here’s the link and the password to unlock the file as of 4/6/2020 (can’t say any of this will work after today):

First beta of PiMiga is out (Pi4)

So, for those of you who like to run Amiga on the raspberry Pi, apparently, the Pi4 was having some issues with Amibian/Amiberry on the new version.

Just today, one for Pi4 is now out in beta format.  Here are some screenshots:

Restored images for Coffin OS WinUAE review

I did a 2 part mini-review of the Coffin r54 OS using WinUAE not long ago, but the ultraimg-hosted images weren’t showing up recently.  I’ve switched to hosting them on wordpress so now you can see them again.  I only did that because I still had the source images. Older posts are probably not going to be fixed unless I need to and can find them on or similar.

Here are the links:

A replacement, transparent custom case for an Amiga 600

While I recently posted about a custom case cover for the A600, I saw this one today that replaces the wedge case. While I personally liked the Commodore wedge design, I think this one looked really good.  Inside you can see the CFIDE adapter, KS 3.1 ROM and Furia 020 accelerator.  Outside, it looks like wireless mouse and keyboard.  Pretty nice!

Very Nice A600 custom case

I spotted this one on Facebook.  Someone used a 3d Printer to make his own custom cover case for his A600, including a space for the PCMCIA card if one is there.  I don’t think he’s offering to make them for others but I thought it was very nice and deserved to be spotlighted to show what Amiga lovers can and will do for their machines.
