Articles from Mambo's Amiga Blog

MorphOS – New browser based on updated WebKit in the works

Looks like a new’ish browser (probably using OWB framework) with a much more recent WebKit is coming.  It’s detailed in this thread –> here<–

Probably still some weeks or so away from an alpha version and the author is admitting that webinspector and possibly YouTube media playback may not be supported.  That makes me sad, as YouTube support is important to me in a modern browser.

The Amiga Bifrost project

This is one I’ve been watching for a few months now.  It’s a small hardware project to control the LEDs with customized solors and patterns. Doesn’t seem like a major project but it appears to be really popular.  Here’s a video:

MorphOS on iMac G5

I speculated not long ago that MorphOS may be silently supporting iMac G5 machines.  If so, this would be great, as the 20″ version has one of the fastest G5’s ever made (2.1Ghz) and one of the best Radeon’s that is supported by MorphOS (X600).

Someone wrote up a guide on Morph.Zone recently. Sounds like the only real thing missing is the boot up logo page.

Check the thread –> here<–

MorphOS 3.13 out!

Just a quick note, MorphOS 3.13 has rolled out.

It’s a lot of bug fixes for the 3.12 release a few months ago.  I have yet to install it on my PowerMAC G4 but plan to soon.

Head over to the official website and download it today!


Icaros Desktop’s first 64-bit AROS download is available

AROS is great, and Icaros Desktop has been probably the most well-known distribution out there.  Their 32bit, single core version is very useful.  Now, they’ve released a very early 64 bit version.

There are heavy warnings that this isn’t anything other than a work-in-progress, proof-of-concept version that won’t replace the existing 32bit version for a while.  it does give us something to play with though.

It does support SMP (more than one core).  It also identified the CPU (under VirtualBox).

A quick way to get into AROS development

With AROS’s x86 (and also x64 multi-processor version), porting cpu-heavy apps or creating new ones may be more doable than other variants (no knock against 68060/vampire or PowerPC users, but even those are still not nearly as powerful as the Intel/AMD machines that AROS can run on).

But how to start developing?  Well, the distributor for IcarosDesktop (paolone), has put together a virtual machine image of an Ubuntu distro with the AROS development system already set up.

New MorphOS 3.12 is out and it looks like iMac G5’s may be supported

Yet another great release of MorphOS is out and other places are mentioning it.  However, it seems that a little-mentioned blurb in the release notes hint that the iMac G5 (20 and 17 inch models, with G5’s) may be supported even though they aren’t listed in the supported hardware section.

The 17″ and 20″ iSight iMac G5 models have the internal model number (in Apple terms) of PowerMac12,1 (for both).

In the Quark changelog section of MorphOS 3.12:

  • Added basic PMac12,1/PPC970FX frequency switching support

and in the G5 Power Management section:

Is Jen Schönfeld (of about to exit the Amiga market over legal issues?

It appears that Individual Computers (makers of many very useful classic Amiga hardware products), may be considering leaving the Amiga market if the legal battles with Cloanto and Hyperion don’t end soon (or end in a Cloanto victory).

Here’s supposedly a message from Jens about it:

This email was from February of 2019, and he clarified when the email got out that he’s giving the situation until this coming February (2020) to decide what he will do:

Exploring the Coffin OS with WinUAE – pt 2

In this entry, I’m going to do a dive into the software provided with the standard install of Coffin OS. See my former post on Coffin OS setup with WinUAE –> here <–

There is a dock bar at the bottom, ToolManager, that has many prebuilt shortcuts:

From left to right, here’s what they launch:
