Articles from Mambo's Amiga Blog

Wayfarer web browser hits v1.10 with audio playback

While I’m still planning to finish my review of the latest MorphOS and Wayfarer in another post, I did stumble upon the news that the newest and most modern Amiga-related browser, Wayfarer, has now added support for streaming audio playback in the latest v1.9, and on top of that, a new v1.10 was just released:

When they first published this new browser, the author mentioned that he hadn’t planned to have multimedia playback. Maybe this is an indication that video is coming soon?

MorphOS 3.14 and Qemu 5.2

I’ve been away from blogging about Amiga-related news but I’ve been watching (well, mostly). I thought I’d come back by giving the latest MorphOS 3.14 a whirl, along with the latest, matching Chrysalis pack and the latest and greatest Qemu on my updated laptop.

Since I’ve sold all my PowerMacs, I’ll need something to run it on. The latest Qemu releases have been supporting Amiga OS4.1 FE for Sam460 (something I hope to do in the future, to test against WinUAE with the somewhat limited OS 4.1FE Classic) and MorphOS on PowerMac.

So, I headed off to Qemu-land

Fixing Broken AmiSSL in Amithlon

I recently have received a real, genuine Amithlon CD and plan to make a machine or two for myself using it.  While I wait for parts to arrive, I stumbled onto a video link about someone noticing that the latest AmiSSL doesn’t work on Amithlon due to a problem with the libraries.

Amithlon emulates an 040 but to get AmiSSL working, the 060 version of its library must be used.  To get Amithlon to use this one, the user had to run Make060 from Aminet in the user startup.

A video is here:

Updated link for Pimiga for Raspberry Pi 3 & 4

I formerly posted info about a beta release of PiMiga for RPi 4 and it was taken down shortly thereafter.  I don’t know if it was due to it being replaced for new features or the name was causing problems (it was called Corona edition).  Now, the newly renamed and re-released Lockdown Edition, has been released and there are downloads for both the RPi 3 and 4, not just the 4.

Due to how fast the other one disappeared, grab it now. Here’s the link and the password to unlock the file as of 4/6/2020 (can’t say any of this will work after today):
