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WinUAE 3.0 with PowerPC Support

Toni Wilen has released WinUAE 3.0 that adds support, among other things, for PowerPC support.  This does enable the ability to run Amiga OS 4.0 PPC, AmigaOS 4.1 Classic PPC, and likely AmigaOS 4.1 Final Edition under emulation.

You can download WinUAE from the WinUAE site.

Note: You will need copies of Blizzard or Cyberstorm PPC ROMS and the rom image for a Picasso IV.  Please obtain those legally.

PC: Upgrading my gaming rig with custom watercooling (Part 3)

Hey guys.

One more photo update of my build, where I made some initial case cable management before anything else, in order not to have a cable mess inside the case while tubing...
The cables are meant to be covered with thin spiral cable wrap bindings at some point but for now... some tie wraps are just fine :)
