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Articles from Epsilon World

Commodore 64 is alive in 2023

Although it is well known that I am a big Amiga fan, I also have a lot of love for the Commodore 64, which I still have and actively use in 2023. 

There is a lot of new release games, demos and even a new operating system for the Commodore 64 in 2023 to enjoy. So today I wanted to shine a light on the amazing world of Commodore 64 in 2023!

New Amiga 500 build

Lately I have been working on a new Amiga 500 build. I decided to pick up a second hand Amiga 500 locally to use for the build, and upgraded it with a bunch of updates which I will cover in this blog post.

Greaseweazle v4 - using real Amiga disks on Windows 11

It is very cool that in 2023 I can now use real Amiga floppy disks on my Alienware Windows 11 gaming PC, booting using WinUAE. 

I can also run a X-Copy clone software called G-Copy to copy ADF and IPF amiga floppy disk images to real floppy disks. All thanks to Greaseweazle V4 hardware and some cool software!

Trains, Amigas, Japan and Czechia

Well, first up, my apologies for such a late first blog post for 2023. To say this year has been crazy busy has been an understatement. 

I have been travelling overseas since after Christmas 2022 in Japan and Czech Republic, and only really came back to some normality around 2 weeks ago when I finally returned home.

Amiga Magazines - Past and present

Would you believe me if I told you that you can buy new release dedicated Amiga magazines in your local newsagent in 2022? 

Well, you can. Amiga Addict magazines are now available in your local Australian and UK newsagents, and likely in other countries as well. Here it is in a local Adelaide newsagent this week.
