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Articles from John "Chucky" Hertell

Building the ReAmiga 3000 – Part 1

This is my text-version (and slightly revided) guide how to build an ReAmiga 3000 that I did as a youtube videoseries shown at:

This tutorial works for my A3000 clone, and both the SMD and TH versions. (but my photos is from the SMD version)

The SMD version.  is called like this that all passives etc is SMD.  still chips etc is as it is on the original A3000, TH.

More Amigadrama and weird domainregistrations

This weekend I noticed a post on Facebook in the “Commodore Amiga” group.


It was simply Amigapassion making a note that if you went to   you was redirected to Amigakit webshop.

Now this is simply put very not ok.   As most of you might know. amigapassion (on real site: ) offers repairs of Amigacomputers.  so does amigakit.


A WinUAE guide to setup a physical disk for Amiga

I get this question ALOT..  how to setup an Amigadrive from UAE.

so instead of answering multiple times.. I do this guide.

Here I do a quick setup of UAE and install a STANDARD WB 3.1 installation, no fancy stuff or so. just plain standard.  and then prepare a disk and copy the installation to it so it can be placed in an Amiga and boot.  this will also mean NO support for larger disks etc. maybe a later time.

First let start WinUAE:

Building the ReAmiga from scratch. Part3

So lets add memory.  This is also a quite tricky part of the ReAmiga project as the distance between the chips is making it harder to handsolder.

This is how I am doing it:
First I tin all pads:


Add flux ontop of it and put a memorychip on U18 (thats the location of the top).

ReAmiga 1200 Erratapost

This is the Errata post of the ReAmiga project.

DO Check this post if you are doing soldering of ANY revision of the ReAmiga. as this page might change if stuff is found etc.

it works like this:  in the title I write what I fond as issues.  so if you have a Rev 1.0 board. you need to read the 1.0 header.  do those fixes. AND also add fixes for 1.1, 1.2 etc..  (unless mentioned in the text)


ReAmiga Rev 1.0 TESTVERSION (note this is the TESTVERSION it have this also printed on the PCB! to NOT mix with the released Rev 1.0)
